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[LIFESTYLE] Can You Ditch Shampoo? #TakeAShowerWithUs with Hairstory's New Wash

4/05/2017 05:57:00 PM Ice Goddhez Blog 31 Comments

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How to achieve hair goals? I also always wondered how. Our crowning glory ... the hair! Bow! It's one of the most high-maintenance part of our body, I believe. Hair care is the first thing to consider. Well, that's because for me, I have such a heavily damaged hair already given all the past treatments I had and some, probably wrong decisions I made like those radical colors, among others. With that, I tried using different types of shampoos, conditioners, hair masques, etc. just to maintain my hair or even improve it. I tried venturing into using sulfate free shampoos as I've read they are better for dyed hairstyles; and also hair care products with argan oil. However, I can't avoid styling my hair when I attend events and I need to be always ready for shoots as well so my hair gets a lot of stress too from the ironing and blowdrying and all other treatments at salons. At times, I just want a simple product that help me care for my hair at home without damaging it further. Thankfully, I received this new product and I'm excited to try it out!

Me taking on the challenge #TakeAShowerWithUs 
Hairstory's New Wash 

I must say this is really a bold and challenging way to change my hair care routine. Hairstory New Wash is a detergent-free, non-toxic, and one-for-all hair cleansing alternative! It's so challenging that will really make me ditch my traditional hair story and the products I currently use and just replace it with this. Can I really ditch shampoo and conditioner and all those products I'm used to with just using this? What's in this product anyway and how can I benefit from it? Read on ...


With this challenge, I'll be rewriting my hair story and share my review of the product after 30 days. Yup, that's a month's time. And that means for 30 days, I will really not use any other product at all just to see how effective this new shampoo is. Or well, it's no even a shampoo! No need to use shampoo! And given my naturally wavy hair and now in its damaged state, I will definitely give this a try since maintaining my hair has been rather costly already with all the other products I've tried. And with an all-in-one product, who wouldn't wanna give it a shot, right?

Hairstory ... The Future of Hair Care #HelloHairstory 
New Wash - Ditch Shampoo!

The package came in with this very simple yet sleek bottle design that actually attracted me more to use it. I like products that have very simple designs and not hard-to-open ones or those with very elaborate packaging. I'd say I can be minimalist too sometimes! I'm so excited to try this out, that I wanted to take a bath right now after my shoot though I still had my hair straightened with hair iron. My hair isn't really always this beautiful, as you see on the first photo. My hair is actually a nightmare without styling! I'll really show that in a vlog I'm doing and will share with you my 30-day journey with this product.

Preparing myself for a totally new washing experience!
Hairstory New Wash

I'm sure all other cosmetic experts, health & beauty advocates, lifestyle gurus, and even skeptic consumers would like to try this out! This new hair washing experience is gearing me up for the toughest hair challenge, I must say! I can't imagine myself living 30-days without my normal hair care products and treatment routines but well, I signed up for this! Get shiny hair the natural way without the oily product add-ons! It's really a must-try! I've seen the effects of it on colored hair and curls in their videos on the website and it's really enticing! It gives that hair care we needed the most! The product line does promise a few of these things we're actually mostly scared about, I guess! Let me summarize it here for y'all ...

Hairstory New Wash: A Summary of Sorts by Chai  
  • wear your curls and waves with confidence 
  • keep your colored / dyed hair longer 
  • forget about those frizz and chills on your hair,  
  • no weight problem on your fine hair  
  • reset your scalp and shun those oils away! no more oily hair!
  • messy hair don't care 'coz you'll let go of that mess 
  • imagine a few days (3-5) days in between washes? whew!  
  • ditch shampoo + conditioner + oils + masks = use just 1 Hairstory New Wash  
  • goodbye fuzzy, dry hair, and irritated scalp in a month's time!
  • how to get shiny hair with just 1 wash? it's with this new wash!

Time to rediscover my hair and have that naturally shiny hair!
Hairstory New Wash

We all have our hair stories to share and I'm trying to rewrite mine with the help of New Wash by Hairstory. It's the future of hair care as it introduces this "new wash" that's really an exceptional and revolutionary hair cleanser that works on all types of hair versus hundreds of traditional, specialized, and even damaging shampoos. Instead of detergent (which is what's inclusive in most shampoos but dubbed as SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), New Wash promises to clean hair with a proprietary blend of essential oils and saturated fatty cleansers that will really make shampoos and other hair products, obsolete. Can you imagine that? That's also tons of savings PHP and $$$ and all currencies altogether!

Do you also want to change everything you thought you knew about hair?
Discover with New Wash from Hairstory

The package came with this little snippet of hair care instructions using the hair care gamechanger that is, New Wash. I've uploaded a few insights of sorts in my Instagram @chenmeicai (watch via IG Stories) as I'm so excited to put this to the test and hop on to the #TakeAShowerWithUs challenge right away! 30 days is all it takes and I believe, that even after 30 days, I'd definitely want to keep it in my bathroom essentials for life. Given how thrifty I am with my expenses as a breadwinner in the family, our household living is very frugal so if I'll have just one (1) hair product to keep, this must be it! Time to ditch those celebrity hair products then woohoo! LOL. We'll see!

Can I still recognize my hair after 30 days?
My 30-Day Journey with New Wash by Hairstory ... soon!

In my product review VLOG, I'll document my days and weeks of using this product and you will see how my hair will be transformed from day 1. I'll put it up in my Youtube Channel so be sure to subscribe to me as well and maybe, why not try to take the challenge with me?

Visit the following for more information & shop away:

Go check it out and watch my VLOG for my product intro and 30-day challenge acceptance video hahah!

One thing to note is, this product and the whole range of Hairstory's line is a braindhild of the genius behind Bumble and Bumble and that man is no other than, Michael Gordon. Out of the products in the traditional way of doing things back then, and with his radical mind, he proactively supported change in the hair industry and took matters to his own hands, hence, Hairstory was born. So if you're raving for a purely perfect shampoo and hair cleansers from that line, search no less and find it here from Hairstory! A better take maybe, from the Bumble and Bumble Shampoo line that some folks are used to.

Check out my Page Chai Chen Page and follow me on Instagram for more of my features and vlogs / product intros and more. :)

Do SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel too! It's! For more videos where I also put my cosplay videos, beauty and fashion reviews, and other stuff of interest, go check out my channel, guys! Thanks a lot for everyone's support!

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  1. awesome products ! sounds cool.

    lovely blog!!

    would u like to follow for follow ?

    New post - Love yourself first

    Check out my ♥Instagram ,Blog╚ovin and

    Stay Gold

    1. Hello Suvarna! Thanks for visiting! Yeah sure we can follow each other :)

  2. Hi, this blog is wonderful...
    I am your follow this is my blog
    Sorry for my english. I am Italian.

    Ti aspetto kiss

    1. Thanks for visiting my dear! Definitely! We can follow each other :)

  3. Hi Chai! the challenge may be difficult for me because i have natural curls and i always, always use this curl defining milk every single day, after taking a bath. However, it would be interesting to try it, though really difficult. haha. Can't wait to read your experience! :)

    Anyway, in reply to the comment you left on my quarter life crisis post: That's what I'm trying to do now, figuring out my purpose in life. Have you found yours? Anyway, I think that's all we can do after a downward spiral of feelings, to pick ourselves up and move forward no matter how hard it is. Just keep on moving towards your dreams and passion! :)

    1. I am also wavy to curly hahaha! So hard :) Unless we straighten our hair na talaga. But definitely loving the product. It makes my hair softer talaga!

      Do keep your passion burning my dear! And look for that purpose in life!

  4. That for sure looks like a very cool product - thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! :) Would love to try it!

    1. Definitely! Do try it babe! I'm sure you'll love it :)

  5. what an interesting product! will be looking more into it!


    1. Do try it my dear! I'm sure it'll be a great addition to your beauty secrets :) Love it!

  6. Want to try them!!!

    1. Yes dear! Try it and I'm sure you'll be amazed with the results :)

  7. your are beautiful and and even your blog^_*

    1. Thanks a lot my dear :) Thanks for visiting me again :)

  8. Hello chen, New lang sa blog mo and i am a blogspot new user hehe. I hope you can visit my blog too btw i follow ou on google+ lets be friends :) ayun basahin ko muna review mo :)

    1. Awww thanks dear! Will follow you back. Happy reading! Keep in touch :)

  9. looks like a really interesting product!


    1. Thanks for dropping by again my dear! Really missed you here blogging :) Indeed interesting! :)

      ♥ Chai Chen ♥ @chenmeicai

      ⓛ ⓞ ⓥ ⓔ ✰Recent Posts✰
      ✨ [FOOD] Ultimate Taste Test: Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream VLOG
      ✨ [LIFESTYLE] Can You Ditch Shampoo? #TakeAShowerWithUs with Hairstory New Wash
      ✨ [TECH] Why Oppo F1s is the Best Camera Phone to Capture Summer #OOTD Photos

  10. New Wash sounds like quite the game changing product indeed! I would definitely try it as I've had issues with traditional shampoo. Thanks for the intro Chai! I'm looking forward to the results and your thoughts after you complete the challenge.

    1. Truly game-changing the hair washing experience :) I'm a week into the challenge and oh boy, I love it! :)

  11. Looks like a great product! Would love to try it!


  12. I need this LOL. Even though I just had my rebond sesh, sometimes, my hair tend to be very frizzy especially now that it's summer and extreme heat damaged the hair! Just in time 😂 good thing I stumbles upon your blog.

  13. When I heard about this product I was so excited! I can't wait to see your results!

  14. Chai I've just kindly checked your comment on my blog. tks for the support. Btw i know nothing on shampoo product as i rarely wash my hair:p

    Btw i hope you can kindly visit my blog. it has just revived!

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