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dairy free ice cream,

[FOOD] Ultimate Taste Test: Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream VLOG

4/10/2017 06:00:00 PM Ice Goddhez Blog 31 Comments

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I am such a fan of desserts. No wonder my weight has been experiencing a yo-yo effect! I go hard on the gym for my workouts but then I experience more cheat days haha! And ice cream is one of my weaknesses. I easily give in to tubs of yogurt ice creams and the gelato types thinking that it's also a lesser evil than regular ice creams! Still, this kind of diet won't let me achieve that bikini body that I've dreamed about lah~ Oh well! The love of food wins! But I've recently discovered this ice cream brand that promises to be all fun and less of the guilt. A game-changing alternative to the dessertporn goodness! It's a local brand called Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream.

Me and my Sister @lizhongtan
With our Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream
Me and my sister decided to put it to the "Ultimate Taste Test." Well, sorta! Meaning, we just really wanted to devour it right then and there haha! We recorded a vlog as a reaction video to how these flavors will taste. It's the first time we're getting a taste of vegan ice cream types. I initially had doubts as to how it will taste like - I felt that they might not be too-sweet nor won't taste like ice cream at all. They might lack that flavorful taste. But since it's a vegan ice cream and that in itself connotes that it's a healthy option, I was already "ok" with it all along. There aren't much lactose free ice cream brands or non dairy ice cream brands around (or so I thought ... I was just probably not searching haha!) and this is actually the first I heard of those vegan ice cream brands so I gave it a shot. What can this brand offer and what other benefits does it have? Click after the cut to find out ...


Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream is that new or latest offering from The Superfood Grocer offering healthy superfoods that we can all add up to our diet; that's actually nutrient-rich, plant-based, whole foods, that supply the body of what it needs to thrive, boost life, and fight what we have accepted as "normal;" i.e., low energy, difficulty in sleeping, serious illnesses pegged to :old age," among others. Health & wellness is a key item that we all try to focus on now; and it's good to hear that more and more, there are healthier options to food items like ice cream as well!

Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream
from The Superfood Grocer
As the shop believes in, indeed, there’s no better way to live than to have a strong, vibrant, healthy body in fighting form --- regardless of age, weight, or any other starting point! And this means that eating their healthier option vegan ice cream will just be adding to the fun and excitement of eating food with less of the guilt, as they promised!

Dairy Free Ice Cream Philippines 
Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream - The Superfood Grocer

My pack came in with these pints of cream flavors plus that little trinket from The Superfood Grocer team. I was really delighted to see all the healthy goodness they offer. I started reading about the superfoods but my attention always got swerved to the tubs of ice cream I got heheheh! I can't let go of the thought that it's really a healthier option, as it's coming from natural sources so even if we're lactose intolerant, we could still have our guiltless indulgence over these tubs of, I must say, best non dairy ice cream.

Where to buy vegan ice cream in Manila? Check out the Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream from The Superfood Grocer

These mouthwatering an flavorful ice creams are best to devour and indulge with your loved ones! Looking at it is not enough! And one (1) pint is also not enough to satisfy those guilty pleasures and cravings we all have for such a creamy goodness! I had this awesome experience of diving into that right after I took some photos and a few video clips for my vlog and blog post! And since it's guilt-free, I almost finished that tub of my most favorite flavor ... that Milky Matcha! I have such a sweet tooth and sticky and clingy relationship with matcha! Everything matcha green tea is magnetized to me and my taste buds!

Me and my favorite - Milky Matcha Flavor! 
Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream from The Superfood Grocer

But don't get me wrong ... it's not like it's the only one worth tasting. It's just that, it's really my favorite flavor among all other food items and desserts in particular hehe. There are loads more offerings or other flavors from this super brand. I only got the liberty to taste these four (4) for now and definitely, we'll have more coming! The other flavors we received were: Vanilla Caramel Pecan, Dark Chocolate Wine, and Strawberries and Cream. It's really the perfect choice for dieters like me, plus I won't get satiated since there are other flavors.

Vanilla Caramel Pecan 
It's that dairy free ice cream you'll want to indulge in everyday!

Dark Chocolate Wine 
You want a sugar free ice cream but a chocolate one with the class of wine servings? You have it!

Milky Matcha from Super Scoops 
Find it here in The Super Food Grocer - one of the sugar free ice cream brands in the Philippines 
Strawberries & Cream 
It's that sweet low sugar ice cream that can be an ice cream for diabetics as well

It's good to note that this set (and I always keep this in mind) is dairy free, egg free, refined sugar free as they use this called low glycemic coconut sugar, with zero cholesterol, and also a plant based alternative to our usual ice cream! It's indeed a creamy delicious goodness that is kinder to the body, and also compassionate to animals; and lastly since it's a local brand , it's supportive of our local coconut farmers wherein Philippines is a large exporter (of coconuts!) I'm so happy to know all these by now! And since I know that my family line (mother's side) is known for being diabetics, it's great to know that there are these diabetic ice cream types now available in the market.

Want sugar free ice cream or a dairy free ice cream then try this vegan ice cream lah!
Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream from The Superfood Grocer
Me and my sis really enjoyed all the flavors as we also recorded my vlog. My nuggets of feedback and advertorial descriptions then for this brand can be summarized below ...
Super Scoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream from The Superfood Grocer 
  • one of the best sugar free ice cream if not yet considered as the best 
  • very rich flavours and each of them is delicious 
  • flavorful indeed and has that nice consistency even after being refrigerated for a week 
  • all creamy goodness and texture for a sugarless ice cream  
  • easy transaction via the online ordering system or even thru their instagram account  
  • enticing packaging for a gluten free dairy free ice cream 
  • highly accessible as of one of those sugar free ice cream brands in the philippines  
  • hello vegan ice cream manila! it's a healthier manila! 
  • suffering from lactose intolerance? then dig this lactose free ice cream 
  • live a healthier life with an egg free ice cream that is Super Scoops to your frozen delights

CHAI'S VERDICT: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5 Stars!!!)
Visit the following for more information & shop away as you might be wondering now where to buy sugar free ice cream in the Philippines ...

Thank you so much The Superfood Grocer for my Superscoops Premium Vegan Ice Cream
Stuffed toy not included :)

Check out tags for similar posts:
  • #DMFoodSeries
  • #DiscoverMNL | Discover Manila 
  • When in Manila
  • Vegan Ice Cream in Manila
Shop the Superfood Grocer now for your ingredients for a healthier foodie option and try making them using these!

Check out my Page Chai Chen Page and follow me on Instagram for more of my features and food posts. :)

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  1. Beautiful post, Dear! Photos very cute<3

    Julia Shkvo

  2. You are so cute!!! I want to join this kind of taste test too hehe

    Enclothed Cognition

    1. Indeed! It's super cool! I want to have more taste test haha. I love to eat! Me and my sister bond like this :)

  3. Hahah you two are so cute :) Great video! I like that the icecream is dairy free, because I can´t eat dairy. Now I want ice cream ;)

    1. I think I'm gonna switch to dairy-free diet too. Good for the figure and health over all :)

  4. Loved the video! Followed

  5. this post is very great! love it
    keep up the good work guys
    have a great day

  6. Hello thx for the comment in my blog now i´following your blog
    Interesting things

    1. Thanks dear! Will check your blog and follow back :)

  7. I wanted to try vegan ice cream!It seems like you would I have a good time like that if eat it(´∀`*)

    and Thank you for always coming to the blog!
    xoxoHilamee by Mizuho K

    1. Of course dear, I always visit your blog since before when I was just staring up this blog :)

  8. great post :)
    yammy!! :)
    follow me? follow you :)
    Mój blog

  9. these vegan ice creams look yummy!!!!!

  10. Replies
    1. It is indeed, Ashley! Thanks for visiting me again :)

  11. yoomy! looks deli:)

  12. You are so cute Chai! This post makes me hungry lol.

    Kisses and enjoy a fabulous weekend xo

    Tamara Chloé

    1. Hahaha thanks sexy babe! This one will keep our figures :)


  13. Great content and love your thoughts on this post
    💗💗Thank you so much💗💗
    Hope you had an amazing weekend!!
    I am glad you enjoyed reading my recent posts and thank you!!

    1. Oh yes Harija! And thanks for dropping by as well :)

  14. Good to know that these taste as good as they look Chai! I love that there are vegan options like this on the market these days for people who follow special diets or just want to eat healthier! I'd be all over the Milky Matcha as well since I love green tea everything! Happy weekend dear friend!

    1. Matcha is love! I might write a post just really dedicated to matcha! Hahaha!

  15. Ah, one of my favourite cheat foods <3

    1. Hahahha me too! Thanks for visiting me here dear Kate :)


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