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My "Carmageddon" in Manila Experience Sep. 8 to 9, 2015

9/10/2015 09:00:00 PM Ice Goddhez Blog 4 Comments

I've not posted in this blog for ages! For heavens-forbid-no ... some reasons! Like ... my heart ache in 2013 ... some massive-depressive state lah~ But yeah, the major reason was ... I had a lot of blog posts in queue already with set of photos on my desktop when suddenly ... it crashed and I never retrieved it again! Broke my heart even further ... *sniffs* 

The passion in writing is still there ... just like my sentiments now as I get to experience this yet-another-horrible-not-so-new traffic situation in Metro Manila. What happened last Tuesday was definitely insane and it inspired memes like this pic ...

It wasn't funny! We laugh at it all as we Filipinos do ... smile amidst problems but yeah ... it wasn't funny at all. This photo definitely explains it. Traffic situation worsens everyday! And what's my take on it? Hop on after the break ...

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I am all-positive to see a "brighter future" so-to-speak come 2017 once the Skyway Phase 3 Project comes close to completion. While it may definitely help ease out the worsening traffic these days, I know it'll also take a toll in our pockets. Say hello to higher toll fees! Nevertheless, at least there are road improvement projects than none, right?

However, it's not something that most of us think of right now. Everyday, it gets really worse! See, I used to live in Tondo, Manila and I drive back-and-forth with an 18km distance everyday from home to the office with an average travel time of 1.5hrs one way. When we moved to the new house this year, it was shortened to just 45minutes to 1hr travel time max. It was definitely a relief for me! But what happened when this project started to expand coverage? Even since last year, lanes were not that friendly anymore ... what more now?

Everyday, the time I have to leave home gets earlier and earlier just to reach the office before 7 AM at least. Starting last month, August, my estimated travel time starts from 1.5hr to 3.5hrs already and I get to the office by 8-9AM instead. Such traffic!

That was some lengthy prologue you got there! Cutting the story short ... come September 8, 2015 ... it was Mother Mary's Birthday. We were blessed with a little rain but it did pour big time in Metro Manila! Such a nightmare! I was hoping I could get home but I didn't! I wasn't able to. I guess I could also flip the line "I went to the office on September 8 ... and I got home on September 9 instead." True story! My series of events included ...

  • Sep. 8 - off from work by 5PM
    • 7PM - Finished some more work stuff; can't get home, heavy downpour
    • 9PM - Trying to get the feel of the roads - I felt like I couldn't go home based on Facebook news and Twitter Feeds from MMDA and the likes
    • 11PM - Stayed in the office ... no luck ... news show photos of stranded commuters and more flooded streets and ... and non-moving vehicles
    • 12MN - Dad texted don't go home yet ... all streets nearby still flooded and I might just get stuck
  • Sep. 9 - getting sleepy now ...
    • 1AM - no luck. MMDA feeds and friends in the same route have posted being stuck. I felt like Imma stay in the office indeed.
    • 3AM - sleepy and dead-tired already ... no choice ... slept in the office
    • 5:30 AM - woke up and felt I needed to go home already and get changed for next shift
    • 6AM - started travelling back home
    • 8:30 AM - time I actually got home

That's 2.5 freakin' hours very early in the morning geddemmmeeeeeettt!!!

I repeat ... that was 2.5 freakin' hours!!! It wasn't even rush hour yet! My reaction? BEAST MODE RAWR!!!

I cannot even last this! Grrrrr!!!

At this stage, I dunno what'll really solve this kind of traffic anymore. All I know is ... something needs to be done and the government has to take action on it. Better and efficient public transportation is a must! Otherwise, this "Carmageddon" will be a forever too ... when in Manila, expect this! And all reactions to traffic and updates on trending and viral stuff about it are featured in Top Gear PH.



  1. Hey dear, glad to see you back to blogging! Traffic is such a big problem in the world, especially in Asia, I guess.

    Interesting post!

  2. Ohhh thanks dear! :) Yeah Will be back :) And yes it's such an issue here in the Philippines nowadays. Traffic sucks big time! :(

  3. Carmageddon got me so bad. Sick and coughing now thanks to the forced death march when a lousy rainfall caused the MRT to stop operations after making me walk 30 mins and queue for an hour!

  4. Oh I just saw your response now dear! Silly me! I haven't been in my blog for ages haha! But now I'm trying to get back :) And yet no changes in the traffic scene 'til now haha!


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